Ari has another surgery…

In what has been becoming more of a regular occurrence, Ari just had her seventh surgery.  This one was a flexor tendon release and we tried to time it so she wouldn’t miss any pre-school time.  She was such a trooper.  I was able to go back with her to the operating room and she didn’t make a peep.  I sang to her inappropriate lullabies from my childhood until she fell asleep.  One rogue tear squeezed out from her eye before I left the room though and that broke my heart.

Ari uses the gurney as a slide.

Ari uses the gurney as a slide.

Ari gets ready for surgery.

Ari gets ready for surgery.

She bounced right back after the sedation and we came home a few hours after surgery with her legs casted into deadly weapons.

On our way home from the hospital, weapons on board.

On our way home from the hospital, weapons on board.

Today (nine days later) Eddie brought her in to get her casts off.  She was very happy to say goodbye to them.  Last night she woke up every couple hours telling us that her legs hurt.

She wants the casts off please!

She wants the casts off please!

Stickers for being so good with her cast removal.

Stickers for being so good with her cast removal.

She was exhausted by the whole ordeal but still managed to be outrageously cute.  Hope she gets a break on this for awhile.

All this bother makes me sleepy...

All this bother makes me sleepy… I nap.

…so I nap.

Weekly artwork

I am going to start taking pictures of and posting the girls’ artwork in an effort to a) preserve it and b) lessen the piles around my house.  Starting with this post of Moira and Ari’s birthday gift to their dad

Happy Birthday Daddy 9/7/2014

Happy Birthday Daddy 9/7/2014


And the Pasa Girls sleep

This is a blog about my babies.  I hope to post a blog or a photo every day so I can remember what it was like when they were tiny.  Already Moira is a energetic four year old and I don’t know how she got there.  Ari is nearly two and I can’t remember how that happened.  So I’m going to try this and see if I can’t appreciate or capture their tiny days.

So peaceful.

So peaceful.

Twins.  Two years apart.

Twins. Two years apart.

I don’t know what it is about sleeping babies.  And my girls in particular.  I think perhaps when they are sleeping, I finally don’t have to worry all the worries we have each day.  They seem happy, well fed, content.  And I don’t have to think about Ari’s disability because it doesn’t affect her in her sleep.

I am proud of my girls.  They are strong and beautiful, especially when they sleep.